The Khaudum game reserve is situated in north-eastern Namibia; north of the town of Tsumkwe and bordering the border with Botswana. In this remote area of dry-woodland savannah many species of game occur, like elephant, giraffe, lion, leopard and rare antelope species. Over 300 bird species have been recorded here. Open throughout the year, acces from sunrise to sunset. Acces to the park via Tsumkwe or from the north. Only four-wheel-drive vehicles allowed ! No petrol in Tsumkwe yet (nearest petrol stations: Grootfontein, Rundu, Bagani) !
At this stage no accommodation is available in the Khaudum Game Reserve. Visitors can camp at the camp Sikereti. Communal ablution facillities are available. The park entrance must be paid directly with the staff present at Sikereti. Prices valid for 2007. Prices might have changed since last update.